This blog is a way of sharing the information and resources that have helped me to recover my son Roo from an Autism Spectrum Disorder. What I have learned is to view our symptoms as the results of underlying biological cause, which can be identified and healed. I say "our symptoms" because I also have a neuro-immune disorder called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

And, of course, I am not a doctor (although I have been known to impersonate one while doing imaginative play with my son)- this is just our story and information that has been helpful or interesting to us. I hope it is helpful and interesting to you!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Myelin Repair

 Until recently conventional medicine has been unable to stop the demyelination of neurons seen in MS and in some other disorders such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome or trigger the cells to repair the damaged myelin sheaths.  There have been some advances in this area recently that could result in a successful drug treatment to reverse demyelination.

How drugs could repair damage from multiple sclerosis
"In previous research, a team led by Dr. Paul Tesar at Case Western Reserve University and Dr. Robert Miller at George Washington University found that miconazole, an antifungal drug, activated stem cells and repaired myelin damage in mice.  The team used a series of laboratory techniques to examine how drugs interact with the molecules in the body that are involved in myelin production. They found that miconazole and eight other related drugs all blocked an enzyme called CYP51. Blocking CYP51 encouraged stem cells to form new oligodendrocytes. These are the cells that create the myelin coatings around nerve cells.  CYP51 is part of the molecular pathway that produces cholesterol. The researchers discovered that blocking two other enzymes in that pathway also promoted oligodendrocyte production.
The boost in oligodendrocyte production appeared to be due to buildup of a specific type of cholesterol precursor (called 8,9-unsaturated sterols) when any of the three enzymes was blocked. When the researchers treated stem cells with 8,9-unsaturated sterols, they saw oligodendrocyte production rise."

Asthma Drug Boosts Myelin Repair in Multiple Sclerosis Mouse Model
"A research team led by neurobiologist Professor Claire Jacob has identified an important mechanism that can be used to control the restoration of myelin sheaths following traumatic injury and in degenerative diseases. With the insights gained, the researchers were able to regenerate damaged myelin sheaths in mice by treating them with the active substance theophylline, thereby restoring their nerve cell function."

EEF1A1 deacetylation enables transcriptional activation of remyelination

Trial shows myelin repair in humans is possible
"New research presented at the MSVirtual2020 conference has shown that bexarotene, a drug developed to treat cancer, is able to repair myelin in people with relapsing MS. This is a breakthrough that scientists say is critical to their goal of stopping MS.  In the trial, vision tests and some types of MRI scans showed that bexarotene could repair myelin.  Participants in the trial did experience some serious side effects, including an underactive thyroid gland and high levels of fats in the blood. This means bexarotene won’t be taken forward into a Phase 3 study."

Diabetes drug metformin promotes myelin repair in rats
"Professor Robin Franklin, from the MS Society Centre for Myelin Repair, described the new findings as "one of the most significant advances in myelin repair therapies there has ever been."
"To stop MS, we need to find treatments to repair myelin. But so far we haven't been able to reach this goal.  Our brains have the natural ability to regenerate myelin, the protective fatty coating around our nerves. This repair involves special myelin-making cells which are made from a type of stem cell called oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). But in MS and as we age, myelin repair stops working as well as it should.

Metformin Restores CNS Remyelination Capacity by Rejuvenating Aged Stem Cells
"The age-related failure to produce oligodendrocytes from oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) is associated with irreversible neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS). Consequently, regenerative approaches have significant potential for treating chronic demyelinating diseases. Here, we show that the differentiation potential of adult rodent OPCs decreases with age. Aged OPCs become unresponsive to pro-differentiation signals, suggesting intrinsic constraints on therapeutic approaches aimed at enhancing OPC differentiation. This decline in functional capacity is associated with hallmarks of cellular aging, including decreased metabolic function and increased DNA damage. Fasting or treatment with metformin can reverse these changes and restore the regenerative capacity of aged OPCs, improving remyelination in aged animals following focal demyelination. Aged OPCs treated with metformin regain responsiveness to pro-differentiation signals, suggesting synergistic effects of rejuvenation and pro-differentiation therapies. These findings provide insight into aging-associated remyelination failure and suggest therapeutic interventions for reversing such declines in chronic disease."