This blog is a way of sharing the information and resources that have helped me to recover my son Roo from an Autism Spectrum Disorder. What I have learned is to view our symptoms as the results of underlying biological cause, which can be identified and healed. I say "our symptoms" because I also have a neuro-immune disorder called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

And, of course, I am not a doctor (although I have been known to impersonate one while doing imaginative play with my son)- this is just our story and information that has been helpful or interesting to us. I hope it is helpful and interesting to you!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Neuropathic Injuries From SARS CoV 2 Vaccination

First Ever NIH/NIND Study on Vaccine Caused Neurological Injuries (Preprint)

NIH/NIND Vaccine Injury Study Participant Interview (Dr. Danice Hertz)

Neuropathic symptoms with SARS-CoV-2 vaccination

"This observational study suggests that a variety of neuropathic symptoms may manifest after SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations and in some patients might be an immune-mediated process." 
'100% reported sensory symptoms comprising severe face and/or limb paresthesias, and 61% had orthostasis, heat intolerance and palpitations. Autonomic testing in 12 identified seven with reduced distal sweat production and six with positional orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Among 16 with lower-leg skin biopsies, 31% had diagnostic/subthreshold epidermal neurite densities (≤5%), 13% were borderline (5.01-10%) and 19% showed abnormal axonal swelling. Biopsies from randomly selected five patients that were evaluated for immune complexes showed deposition of complement C4d in endothelial cells. Electrodiagnostic test results were normal in 94% (16/17). Together, 52% (12/23) of patients had objective evidence of small-fiber peripheral neuropathy."
In the study it is claimed that some of the patients received IVIG treatments and that all symptoms resolved with two weeks (with minor residual symptoms in one), which is know to be untrue for at least one participant, whose symptoms returned in full force when the IVIG wore off after about 3 weeks.  It is well known that IVIG only cleans out the circulating antibodies and antigens temporarily and that these often begin to return after about 3 weeks. 

Why Was Michelle Zimmerman Running Into The Walls?
Dr Mobeen inteerviews Michelle Zimmerman regarding her serious neuropathic consequences following COVID vaccination (she received a single shot of (Johnson and Johnson).  It's been well documented that she never had COVID.  Within 5 minutes of receiving her vaccine, her injection arm went completely numb.  Her wrist dropped and she was unable to move it, she had shooting pain that went up her arm into her ear, her tongue and throat became swollen, and that evening she became unresponsive with a fever of 104.8 and her heart rate became very high.  The medical advice was that she was tired and to let her sleep it off.  When she woke up in the hospital she was completely paralyzed, unable to even open her eyes.  In the time immediately after this she had extreme sensitivity to light and sound and felt intense pain in her abdomen and back.  She was too weak to stand on her own in the shower.  She makes the point that she got the vaccine to show her support of science, she assumed that there were ethical safeguards in place for safety, and was disturbed when she found out later how little was known and how much pressure there was to stay quiet about her injuries to keep from bringing any doubt onto the vaccine program.  She is an accomplished scientist herself and says "good science asks questions, they don't disregard questions.  They find answers to do things better next round. 

She did extensive research herself that she discusses here.  SPECT scans, which image the brain with the aid of a radioactive tracer, showed reduced functioning in several areas of her brain including the Prefrontal Cortex (responsible for working memory and focus) and the Temporal Lobes (speech and language).  MRIs failed to pick up on these injuries.  She presented with what she was told was a stroke-like episode, but not a stroke itself, in which she had left-sided weakness and was unable to respond or speak.  She had vestibular hypofunction.  For over a year she had been tipping to the right which is something the brain is doing to try to accommodate the altered input from one side.  This means that things weren't where she saw them to be so when she would reach, she would reach in the wrong direction. 

Her situation involves vision anomalies caused by some sort of concussive or traumatic brain injury.  In doing research in trying to get help she found that this is a known condition that has been studied in soldiers returning from abroad.  She has 20/20 vision, and there is nothing wrong with her eyeballs themselves, but there has been damage that affects the signal from her eyes into her brain.  One aspect of her condition is called a Visual Midline Shift.  Additional visual symptoms included shaking of her eyes, white lights breaking down into a rainbow as her eyes moved, and sometimes it appeared as though she was looking through a foggy window. 

Once she realized that her problems were visual she began to research them and found that people with Long COVID, post COVID vaccination injuries, people who had been in car crashes or had head injuries from sports, seemed to share similar symptoms.  Symptoms can be made worse by sitting in a moving car (car sickness), being on an escalator, or other types of movement.  Also trying to stand up straight.  A scopolamine patch made it worse, showing that this was not a neurotransmitter issue like it is in motion sickness.  These things brought on nausea, dizziness,   Areas of her visual field were sometimes blocked out with a blurry patch which is a symptom shared by some people with ocular migraines.  She could not be diagnosed with either TBI or concussion because both require that there had been impact to the head.  Her PCP told her that her MRI did look like a concussion patient, and was willing to diagnose "encephalopathy".

She worked with Dr Cap and Katie Chapman.  Dr Cap recognized what was happening.  Her diagnosis stated that she had "deficiencies of saccadic eye movement", that she had "significantly reduced visual skills required for efficient and effective reading and computer work", and that she was "presenting very similar to TBI patient.  Noticing difficulty with light sensitivity, tracking, visual motion hypersensitivity, memory, and fatigue."  She said that reading was very painful and it seemed that her eyes were bouncing around.  She had speech difficulties that her vestibular therapist described as like those that an older person or person with dementia has, as if her brain is trying to do too many taxing things at one time.  Her vestibular therapist is named Dr Sarah Maddingly.  The therapist figured out that her speech problems occurred because her visual processing problems were so taxing to her brain that they caused her brain to "drop" some other taxing abilities when it became too tired.

One therapeutic approach to treating this visual problem is called Binasal Occlusion, in which a pair of glasses frames (sometimes without lenses) has opaque pieces added on to block visual input from some directions.  The idea is that this helps to reset how her brain and eyes process information.  She has also had benefit from some medications, HBOT dives, methylated B vitamins had helped with headaches (but not standard B vitamins), she is taking fish oil because it is known to treat vascular damage and inflammation, and Astaxanthin because it is a powerful antioxidant. 

She has a lot of insights about the COVID vaccination problem and medical science, even just science in general.  One of these is the idea that when designing something, such as a response to a pandemic, it is important to think in terms of multiple iterations...of finding out what worked, what didn't work, and how to make changes to the next version rather than simply saying that the first attempt was perfect and needs no adjustment.